I am a successful private tutor with 4 years teaching 1-2-1 and in groups having gained my degree in Actuarial Science.I am also a highly experienced online tutor and I am able to deliver just as effective a lesson as in the face to face setting. With the ability to write and draw on screen using an interactive whiteboard, I am able to fully engage with the student.
I am a successful private tutor with 4 years teaching 1-2-1 and in groups having gained my degree in Actuarial Science.I am also a highly experienced online tutor and I am able to deliver just as effective a lesson as in the face to face setting. With the ability to write and draw on screen using an interactive whiteboard, I am able to fully engage with the student.
We only take tutor applications from candidates who are studying at the UK’s leading universities. Candidates who fulfil our grade criteria then pass to the interview stage, where a member of the MyTutor team will personally assess them for subject knowledge, communication skills and general tutoring approach. About 1 in 8 becomes a tutor on our site.
Enhanced DBS check
17 Apr ’22