MyTutor Updates

October tutor’s update: Lesson demand, engaging students, and advice from our matching team 

Clocks have gone back and temperatures have dropped. You’ve probably switched your iced coffee for something warmer. It’s officially autumn: here’s your October MyTutor update. 

More work is coming 💻

You’re wondering when there’ll be more work on MyTutor, and we’re here to reassure you that it’s coming. 

Right now, we’re seeing about the same number of tutors working as last year, and whilst we’ve had fewer lessons in September vs last year, we’re forecasting an increase in demand as we enter November. And even more as we go into peak season from January.

Have a look at demand on the graph below. It’s predicted based on a range of data points, including what we’ve seen from parents & schools in previous years, as well as what we’re seeing play out this year.

We know it can be worrying when you don’t see the work you’re anticipating, but hang in there. More work is coming. 

Monthly message from the matching team 💌

PSA for private tutors: read the matching request in full 

There’s nothing better than a perfect match between a tutor and a student. When your availability, expertise and experience are exactly what they’re looking for.

To make that happen, the matching team lists the student’s requirements in the free meeting ticket. There can be a lot to digest – but make sure you read the request in full before accepting any free meetings. 

It’ll help you decide if you can really help out before spending time in a meeting. It’s better for the parent, the student and you. And you can spend time on another free meeting instead, actually securing a slot with someone you’re perfect for. 

See you next month for more advice from the matching team 👋

Try these 5 ways to engage students 🙋

Engaging students throughout lessons is a fine art. To give you a helping hand, we’ve pulled 5 super specific strategies to help you grab and hold attention. The best bit? You probably haven’t tried them before.

Find ideas here

Better still, studies show that engagement goes up when it’s linked to motivation. And how do you motivate students? By helping them to set goals that they can strive towards

MyTutor’s guide to SMART goals

New features in the lesson space 📚

You always have great suggestions for improving the lesson space, and the latest changes made off the back of these include:

  • Going vertical – you can now use a vertical whiteboard in the lesson space, great for presenting and scrolling through PDFs 
  • New highlighter sizes – the tool has been expanded to include three pen sizes so you can emphasise, colour and draw more easily 

Got other suggestions for levelling up the lesson space? Make sure to leave them in the feature request channel in the new community. Which brings us to…

Your new community is now live 👪

Almost 1,000 of you have joined so far, with new tutors being invited each week. It’s the place to be if you want to:

  • Suggest new product features
  • Share and exchange lesson resources
  • Chat with other tutors 
  • Feedback on upcoming products (there’s a group of tutors helping design a new app right now)

If you’ve not yet been invited, don’t worry, your invite will land soon. And if you’ve already been invited but not yet joined or posted, don’t be shy. We’d love to hear from you 😊

That’s it for the October update. We’ll see you next month.

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