Hi! My name is Izzie and I am 20 years old. I am in my second year, currently studying Economics and Geography at the University of Leeds. My passion for both of these subjects throughout my life is what inspired me to take on a joint honours. During my course of education, I have always had a very strong passion for maths, which is strongly rooted in Economics, a subject I believe is so vital in our everyday lives. I have also been fortunate to enough to gain tutoring experience whilst be at...
Hi! My name is Izzie and I am 20 years old. I am in my second year, currently studying Economics and Geography at the University of Leeds. My passion for both of these subjects throughout my life is what inspired me to take on a joint honours. During my course of education, I have always had a very strong passion for maths, which is strongly rooted in Economics, a subject I believe is so vital in our everyday lives. I have also been fortunate to enough to gain tutoring experience whilst be at high school and sixth form. Through this experience, I have been able to gain, first hand, the skills needed in order to gain the best outcome for my tutees. In addition, from my own exam experience of these subjects, it has allowed me develop a greater understanding of the best exam techniques as well as revision taking. Being sports captain of the netball team and having out of school hobbies, I had to ensure I managed my revision time effectively. I therefore want to provide you with my revision tips and organisation skills in order to give you the best outcomes.
We only take tutor applications from candidates who are studying at the UK’s leading universities. Candidates who fulfil our grade criteria then pass to the interview stage, where a member of the MyTutor team will personally assess them for subject knowledge, communication skills and general tutoring approach. About 1 in 8 becomes a tutor on our site.
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11 Jan ’23