Contrary to popular belief, I personally find learning fun and enjoy taking exams. Having spent all of my pre-university years in Singapore, I am very accustomed to learning and taking exams in a rigorous education system. I have picked up many study tips and techniques that I hope to pass onto my students.
I am currently studying a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery in university. I chose this degree as I find the work meaningful and I enjoy the multidisciplinar...
Contrary to popular belief, I personally find learning fun and enjoy taking exams. Having spent all of my pre-university years in Singapore, I am very accustomed to learning and taking exams in a rigorous education system. I have picked up many study tips and techniques that I hope to pass onto my students.
I am currently studying a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery in university. I chose this degree as I find the work meaningful and I enjoy the multidisciplinary approach of Vet Med. As an avid horse rider and having seven rescued cats at home, it is easy to tell that I am passionate about animals. I also find the science of the subject fascinating. My studies combine Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Medicine, and allow me to apply these textbook concepts in a real-world context. I find this is an important part of learning. Being able to see concepts applied in real life helps cement understanding while cultivating an interest in the subject. I hope to help students take an interest in the subject by questioning it and finding ways to take learning outside the textbook into the real-world!
In my opinion, the best way to tackle learning is with a multi-perspective approach. A solid foundation of subject knowledge is absolutely essential, but knowing how to take an exam is equally important. I intend to help cultivate critical thinking and reasoning skills in my students. Students will be able to better analyse their subjects and tailor their answer to the specifics of each exam question. These skills are simply indispensable in daily life.
In my opinion, the best way to tackle learning is with a multi-perspective approach. A solid foundation of subject knowledge is absolutely essential, but knowing how to take an exam is equally important. I intend to help cultivate critical thinking and reasoning skills in my students. Students will be able to better analyse their subjects and tailor their answer to the specifics of each exam question. These skills are simply indispensable in daily life.
My lesson approach will be tailored to each student and their unique learning style. This would include recapping subject content, going through sample exam questions, and taking practice quizzes. Mistakes are bound to happen, but follow up with a clear explanation of the correct concept makes them an important step in the road to understanding. Checking understanding is the best way to measure progress. I strive to break down even the most complex of concepts into simple ideas so my students will develop true understanding of the subject and be able to apply these concepts in new situations. I want to produce confident students who are ready to critically approach any challenge and do their best.
We only take tutor applications from candidates who are studying at the UK’s leading universities. Candidates who fulfil our grade criteria then pass to the interview stage, where a member of the MyTutor team will personally assess them for subject knowledge, communication skills and general tutoring approach. About 1 in 8 becomes a tutor on our site.
Enhanced DBS check
19 Feb ’20