I'm in my masters year of Maths at Queen's University Belfast. That's right. I finished my A Level and thought "oh yeah I'll have 4 more years of that please!" I chose my field of study because I didn't get anything close to the level of satisfaction I would get from maths, from any other subject. Working on the complex integrals and derivatives we would be faced with in class and helping my friends through the work was the most enjoyable part of the curriculum to...
I'm in my masters year of Maths at Queen's University Belfast. That's right. I finished my A Level and thought "oh yeah I'll have 4 more years of that please!" I chose my field of study because I didn't get anything close to the level of satisfaction I would get from maths, from any other subject. Working on the complex integrals and derivatives we would be faced with in class and helping my friends through the work was the most enjoyable part of the curriculum to me. I loved it so much I even joined the physics and maths society at uni the first chance I got, and even help first years with their homework on the weekends.
You can watch videos on YouTube showing you how to play guitar all day long, but it won't do much for you until you pick up some strings and practice yourself. Maths and physics are just the same. Watching teachers explain notes, theory and equations only takes you so far, and that's why I intend to run my lessons similar to a university tutorial group. Students need to make their own mistakes first before they can learn from them, so I'll prepare a sheet of problems, outline the theory behind them and leave hints to the steps, and of course assist when needed. This way of learning by tackling problems in the way a student thinks is best, and having their methodology challenged after, is exactly what worked for me in school. Practice is the name of the game when it comes to mathematics, and there's no substitute for it.
I'll run my lessons similar to a university tutorial - as I've found those the most helpful way of learning alien topics.
I'll explain the theory, run through some examples myself, and pass the work over to the student for some practice questions, providing guidance where necessary. Of course, I'll let mistakes happen naturally, and explain what went wrong and how, as this is how we as a species learn.
Ultimately, my goal is to bring every pupil to their full poten...
I'll run my lessons similar to a university tutorial - as I've found those the most helpful way of learning alien topics.
I'll explain the theory, run through some examples myself, and pass the work over to the student for some practice questions, providing guidance where necessary. Of course, I'll let mistakes happen naturally, and explain what went wrong and how, as this is how we as a species learn.
Ultimately, my goal is to bring every pupil to their full potential, and help them find the confidence they need to succeed in their examinations.
We only take tutor applications from candidates who are studying at the UK’s leading universities. Candidates who fulfil our grade criteria then pass to the interview stage, where a member of the MyTutor team will personally assess them for subject knowledge, communication skills and general tutoring approach. About 1 in 8 becomes a tutor on our site.
Enhanced DBS check
25 Oct ’21