Approachable, confident and hard working Biomedical Science student who really enjoy teaching and sharing her scientific knowledge by providing different types of learning and understanding the students' needs.
Approachable, confident and hard working Biomedical Science student who really enjoy teaching and sharing her scientific knowledge by providing different types of learning and understanding the students' needs.
My teaching technique is to introduce the topic from the simplest concepts and then, build upon that and further support with examples to help the student remember the topic. After the theoretical part, I explain and show the student how to solve the exam question and then let them do others. Positive feedback and introducing new learning styles are important to encourage learning.
My teaching technique is to introduce the topic from the simplest concepts and then, build upon that and further support with examples to help the student remember the topic. After the theoretical part, I explain and show the student how to solve the exam question and then let them do others. Positive feedback and introducing new learning styles are important to encourage learning.
We only take tutor applications from candidates who are studying at the UK’s leading universities. Candidates who fulfil our grade criteria then pass to the interview stage, where a member of the MyTutor team will personally assess them for subject knowledge, communication skills and general tutoring approach. About 1 in 8 becomes a tutor on our site.
Enhanced DBS check
3 Aug ’23