Having studied A-levels recently I realised one of the most important parts of revision was consolidating knowledge and filling in gaps in understandings. Being unable to understand one part of physics or maths would leave the rest far more difficult to learn and master. As a tutor, I’ll help making sure my students have a great depth in their knowledge of physics and maths, which will help them exams and their performance in exams, but also help improve there confidence. By asking the right...
Having studied A-levels recently I realised one of the most important parts of revision was consolidating knowledge and filling in gaps in understandings. Being unable to understand one part of physics or maths would leave the rest far more difficult to learn and master. As a tutor, I’ll help making sure my students have a great depth in their knowledge of physics and maths, which will help them exams and their performance in exams, but also help improve there confidence. By asking the right questions and by listening to the thought processes of students, you can understand what they’re not so confident about. Another extremely important part of revision that I don’t feel is touched on in schools, is exam technique, and how to answer these question and interpret them for full marks especially in Mathematics and Physics questions. I aim to teach exam technique, to ensure that no time is wasted and answers are effective and efficient at receiving marks. Studying at Cambridge means that I’ve been exposed to a variety of questions that require thinking outside the box and beyond what is normally asked, which allows me to come up with my own questions to test the knowledge of students and can help me figure out where the gaps in there knowledge, if any, lie, and to increase their capacity to answer more challenging A* level questions.
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13 Dec ’22