Problem solving is something I thrive on. I believe because of this, I loved doing maths A level. The relation of maths and problem-solving with computing engineering is something that really interested me, also, which I ended up studying as a degree. The challenging aspect of computer engineering is the reason why. I can help students by passing on the different techniques and knowledge I developed through my career, which will prepare them well for the next level, be it A levels or universi...
Problem solving is something I thrive on. I believe because of this, I loved doing maths A level. The relation of maths and problem-solving with computing engineering is something that really interested me, also, which I ended up studying as a degree. The challenging aspect of computer engineering is the reason why. I can help students by passing on the different techniques and knowledge I developed through my career, which will prepare them well for the next level, be it A levels or university.
We only take tutor applications from candidates who are studying at the UK’s leading universities. Candidates who fulfil our grade criteria then pass to the interview stage, where a member of the MyTutor team will personally assess them for subject knowledge, communication skills and general tutoring approach. About 1 in 8 becomes a tutor on our site.
Enhanced DBS check
7 Jan ’21