I loved Philosophy at school and university because the concepts that are discussed in the subject are not isolated, but very much interact with the world we live. This might be about morality, or the assumptions we make about the nature of scientific knowledge. I apply the analytic skills from my degree and school time with my interest in the business world. This is why I currently study law.
I have since completed my legal studies. I have also been in a professional envir...
I loved Philosophy at school and university because the concepts that are discussed in the subject are not isolated, but very much interact with the world we live. This might be about morality, or the assumptions we make about the nature of scientific knowledge. I apply the analytic skills from my degree and school time with my interest in the business world. This is why I currently study law.
I have since completed my legal studies. I have also been in a professional environment, both in a law firm and in a company.
I have been in academia, taken a number of exams and been in various recruitment cycles. I really have been there. I can draw from my experiences to guide students, and to answer their concerns about their subjects and academics generally.
I plan to be outcome-focused. I would want my students to have achieved a certain goal or goals after the lesson, and to continue to build on these for the next session. Even if they do not need another session, I would hope that I give them a path to follow to achieve academic success.
I will measure progress by seeing the extent to which a student achieve their aims. To encourage learning requires motivation, and without a clear purpose, I have experienced that even a sub...
I plan to be outcome-focused. I would want my students to have achieved a certain goal or goals after the lesson, and to continue to build on these for the next session. Even if they do not need another session, I would hope that I give them a path to follow to achieve academic success.
I will measure progress by seeing the extent to which a student achieve their aims. To encourage learning requires motivation, and without a clear purpose, I have experienced that even a subject you love might make you weary of reading about it again.
We only take tutor applications from candidates who are studying at the UK’s leading universities. Candidates who fulfil our grade criteria then pass to the interview stage, where a member of the MyTutor team will personally assess them for subject knowledge, communication skills and general tutoring approach. About 1 in 8 becomes a tutor on our site.
Enhanced DBS check
5 Feb ’19