I have a First Class Honours bachelors degree in Modern Languages at the University of Warwick, studying French, Italian and Portuguese . As a bilingual speaker of both Spanish and English I enjoy learning languages and helping others to enhance their own skills. I also have a love of history and have just finished a Masters in Early Modern History.
I can help with improving written work, speaking as well as grammar and anything in between! As a friendly & easygoing person I would a...
I have a First Class Honours bachelors degree in Modern Languages at the University of Warwick, studying French, Italian and Portuguese . As a bilingual speaker of both Spanish and English I enjoy learning languages and helping others to enhance their own skills. I also have a love of history and have just finished a Masters in Early Modern History.
I can help with improving written work, speaking as well as grammar and anything in between! As a friendly & easygoing person I would also try to make the learning experience as enjoyable as possible and also useful, making sure each lesson is tailored to the specific student and their needs.
The lesson will be planned thoroughly to meet the students precise needs beforehand and would be structured in order to try and keep things as exciting as possible (not just the same topic or point for a whole lesson). Online lessons would encompass various elements of the exams such as speaking, grammar and written work in languages; or practice questions, presentations, key dates etc... in history, I am willing to work in the way best suited the student. Lessons focus on a mixture of the to...
The lesson will be planned thoroughly to meet the students precise needs beforehand and would be structured in order to try and keep things as exciting as possible (not just the same topic or point for a whole lesson). Online lessons would encompass various elements of the exams such as speaking, grammar and written work in languages; or practice questions, presentations, key dates etc... in history, I am willing to work in the way best suited the student. Lessons focus on a mixture of the topics the student feels they need help with and topics I feel would benefit them most for exam success.
Depending on the student, I measure progress in different ways, from surprise mini tests, translation practice to homework given and then checked by myself etc. There would be set goals for each student to meet on a weekly basis (or whatever suits best) in order to ensure all targets were being met.
We only take tutor applications from candidates who are studying at the UK’s leading universities. Candidates who fulfil our grade criteria then pass to the interview stage, where a member of the MyTutor team will personally assess them for subject knowledge, communication skills and general tutoring approach. About 1 in 8 becomes a tutor on our site.
Enhanced DBS check
20 Oct ’21